Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I want to Testify His...

I want to Testify His Glory, His Power, His Grace, His Mercy, His Love, His Joy, His Peace, His Holiness, His Truth, His Omnipresence, His Omnipotence, His Hope, His Plan, His Wisdom, His Will... I want to Testify His EVERYTHING.

I am not sure how I will accomplish this,  but through Him who knows my inner most being, who knows my everything, I will confidently Testify.

Today I will write to Testify, tomorrow I might also write, I will write when He gives me words that must be written.  But I will not only write, I must also Testify through Love and Actions.  ", if it has no works, is dead..." (James 2:17) Oh, that the testimony I write will not merely be words written on a page...